I have Time Team digging and filming outside my office
I don't know if you have this programme in the USA. Presumably there can't be a domestic version, but you might get it on import.This is the site for the programe.For those who don't know it, the...
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I don't think we get that program in the US, at least I've never seen it. It sounds interesting though!
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On the House channel they have a show where people dig up the secrets of the house they live in ... more genealogy than archeology, but often fascinating. Did you take any pictures David?
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We don't bother famous people in England - it's not the done thing you know.
View ArticleRe: I have Time Team digging and filming outside my office
How exciting for you David!Time Team regularly get schools to dig up part of the games fields/grassy bits of playground, etc, and if something interesting is found then they head in and start...
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